
Building Movies database app using React, NodeJS and Redis

Ajeet Raina
Ajeet Raina, Former Developer Growth Manager at Redis

Redis is phasing out RedisGraph. This blog post explains the motivation behind this decision and the implications for existing Redis customers and community members.

End of support is scheduled for January 31, 2025.

IMDb(Internet Movie Database) is the world's most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows and celebrities. This application is an IMDB clone with basic account authentication and movie recommendation functionality. You will learn the power of RedisGraph and NodeJS to build a simple movie database.

Tech Stack#

  • •Frontend - React
  • •Backend - Node.js, Redis, RedisGraph

Step 1. Install the pre-requisites#

  • •Node - v13.14.0+
  • •NPM - v7.6.0+

Step 2. Run Redis Stack Docker container#

 docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack

Ensure that Docker container is up and running:

 docker ps
 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS             PORTS                    NAMES
 fd5ef30f025a   redis/redis-stack               "redis-server --load…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>6379/tcp   nervous_buck

Step 3. Run RedisInsight Docker container#

 docker run -d -v redisinsight:/db -p 8001:8001 redislabs/redisinsight:latest

Ensure that Docker container is up and runnig

 docker ps
 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS             PORTS                    NAMES
 264db1706dcc   redislabs/redisinsight:latest   "bash ./docker-entry…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>8001/tcp   angry_shirley
 fd5ef30f025a   redis/redis-stack               "redis-server --load…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>6379/tcp   nervous_buck

Step 4. Clone the repository#

 git clone https://github.com/redis-developer/basic-redisgraph-movie-demo-app-nodejs

Step 5. Setting up environment variables#

Copy .env.sample to .env and add the following details:

  REDIS_ENDPOINT_URL = "Redis server URI"
  REDIS_PASSWORD = "Password to the server"

Step 6. Install the dependencies#

 npm install

Step 7. Run the backend server#

 node app.js

Step 8. Run the client#

 cd client
 yarn install
 yarn start

Step 9. Accessing the Movie app#

Open http://IP:3000 to access the movie app

Step 10. Sign up for a new account#

Enter the details to create a new account:

Step 11. Sign-in to movie app#

Step 12. Rate the movie#

Step 13. View the list of rated movie#

Step 14. View directed movie over RedisInsight#

 GRAPH.QUERY "MovieApp" "MATCH (director:Director {tmdbId: \"4945\"})-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie) RETURN DISTINCT movie,director"

Step 15. Find movies where actor acted in.#

Run the below query under RedisGraph to find the author acted in a movie

 GRAPH.QUERY "MovieApp" "MATCH (actor:Actor {tmdbId: \"8537\"})-[:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]->(movie:Movie) RETURN DISTINCT movie,actor"

Step 16. Store a user in a database#

 CREATE (user:User {id: 32,
 username: "user", password: "hashed_password", api_key: "525d40da10be8ec75480"})
 RETURN user

Step 17. Find a user by username#

 MATCH (user:User {username: "user"}) RETURN user

How it works?#

The app consumes the data provided by the Express API and presents it through some views to the end user, including:

  • •Home page
  • •Sign-up and Login pages
  • •Movie detail page
  • •Actor and Director detail page
  • •User detail page

Home page#

The home page shows the genres and a brief listing of movies associated with them.

How the data is stored#

Add a new genre:#

 create (g:Genre{name:"Adventure"})

Add a movie:#

 create (m:Movie {
  url: "https://themoviedb.org/movie/862",
  title:"Toy Story",
  tagline:"A cowboy doll is profoundly t...",

Set genre to a movie:#

 MATCH (g:Genre), (m:Movie)
 WHERE g.name = "Adventure" AND m.title = "Toy Story"
 CREATE (m)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g)

How the data is accessed#

Get genres:#

 MATCH (genre:Genre) RETURN genre

Get moves by genre:#

 MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre)
 WHERE toLower(genre.name) = toLower("Film-Noir") OR id(genre) = toInteger("Film-Noir")
 RETURN movie

Code example: Get movies with genre#

 const getByGenre = function (session, genreId) {
 const query = [
  'MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre)',
  'WHERE toLower(genre.name) = toLower($genreId) OR id(genre) = toInteger($genreId)',
  'RETURN movie',

 return session
 .query(query, {
  .then((result) => manyMovies(result));

Sign-up and Login pages#

To be able to rate movies a user needs to be logged in: for that a basic JWT-based authentication system is implemented, where user details are stored in the RedisGraph for persistence.

How the data is stored#

Store user in the database:#

 CREATE (user:User {id: 32,
 username: "user", password: "hashed_password", api_key: "525d40da10be8ec75480"})
 RETURN user

How the data is accessed#

Find by user name:#

 MATCH (user:User {username: "user"}) RETURN user

Code Example: Find user#

 const me = function (session, apiKey) {
 return session
   .query('MATCH (user:User {api_key: $api_key}) RETURN user', {
     api_key: apiKey,
   .then((foundedUser) => {
     if (!foundedUser.hasNext()) {
       throw {message: 'invalid authorization key', status: 401};
     while (foundedUser.hasNext()) {
       const record = foundedUser.next();
       return new User(record.get('user'));

Movie detail page#

On this page a user can rate the film and view the Actors/directors who participated in the production of the film.

How the data is stored#

Associate actor with a movie:#

 MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title="Jumanji" CREATE (a:Actor :Person{
 bornIn:"Denver, Colorado, USA",
 name:"Robin Williams",
 {role: "Alan Parrish"}]->(m)

Associate director with a movie:#

 MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title="Dead Presidents" CREATE (d:Director :Person{
  bio: "From Wikipedia, the free e...",
  bornIn: "Detroit, Michigan, USA",
  imdbId: "0400436",
  name: "Albert Hughes",
  tmdbId: "11447",
  url: "https://themoviedb.org/person/11447"})-[r:DIRECTED]->(m)

How the data is accessed#

Find movie by id with genre, actors and director:#

 MATCH (movie:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})
 OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[my_rated:RATED]-(me:User {id: "e1e3991f-fe81-439e-a507-aa0647bc0b88"})
 OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[r:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]-(a:Actor)
 OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre:Genre)
 OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Director)
 WITH DISTINCT movie, my_rated, genre, d,  a, r
 collect(DISTINCT d) AS directors,
 collect(DISTINCT a) AS actors,
 collect(DISTINCT genre) AS genres

Code Example: Get movie detail#

 const getById = function (session, movieId, userId) {
 if (!userId) throw {message: 'invalid authorization key', status: 401};
 const query = [
   'MATCH (movie:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})\n' +
     '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[my_rated:RATED]-(me:User {id: $userId})\n' +
     '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[r:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]-(a:Actor)\n' +
     '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre:Genre)\n' +
     '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Director)\n' +
     '  WITH DISTINCT movie, my_rated, genre, d,  a, r\n' +
     '  RETURN DISTINCT movie,\n' +
     '  collect(DISTINCT d) AS directors,\n' +
     '  collect(DISTINCT a) AS actors,\n' +
     '  collect(DISTINCT genre) AS genres',
 ].join(' ');
 return session
   .query(query, {
     movieId: movieId.toString(),
     userId: userId.toString(),
   .then((result) => {
     if (result.hasNext()) {
       return _singleMovieWithDetails(result.next());
     throw {message: 'movie not found', status: 404};

Actor and Director detail page#

How the data is accessed#

Find movies where actor acted in:#

 MATCH (actor:Actor {tmdbId: "8537"})-[:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]->(movie:Movie)
 RETURN DISTINCT movie,actor

Find movies directed by:#

 MATCH (director:Director {tmdbId: "4945"})-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)
 RETURN DISTINCT movie,director

Get movies directed by#

 const getByDirector = function (session, personId) {
 const query = [
   'MATCH (director:Director {tmdbId: $personId})-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)',
   'RETURN DISTINCT movie,director',

 return session
   .query(query, {
   .then((result) => manyMovies(result));

User detail page#

Shows the profile info and movies which were rated by user#

How the data is stored#

Set rating for a movie:#

 MATCH (u:User {id: 42}),(m:Movie {tmdbId: 231})
 MERGE (u)-[r:RATED]->(m)
 SET r.rating = "7"

How the data is accessed#

Get movies and user ratings:#

 MATCH (:User {id: "d6b31131-f203-4d5e-b1ff-d13ebc06934d"})-[rated:RATED]->(movie:Movie)
 RETURN DISTINCT movie, rated.rating as my_rating

Get rated movies for user#

 const getRatedByUser = function (session, userId) {
 return session
     'MATCH (:User {id: $userId})-[rated:RATED]->(movie:Movie) \
      RETURN DISTINCT movie, rated.rating as my_rating',
   .then((result) =>
     result._results.map((r) => new Movie(r.get('movie'), r.get('my_rating'))),

Data types:#

  • •The data is stored in various keys and various relationships.
  • •There are 5 types of data
  • •User
  • •Director
  • •Actor
  • •Genre
  • •Movie

Each type has its own properties#

  • •Actor: id, bio, born , bornIn, imdbId, name, poster, tmdbId, url
  • •Genre: id, name
  • •Director: id, born, bornIn, imdbId, name, tmdbId, url
  • •User: id, username, password, api_key
  • •Movie: id, url, languages, countries, budget, duration, imdbId, imdbRating, indbVotes, movieId, plot, poster, poster_image, released, revenue, runtime, tagline, tmdbId, year

And there are 4 types of relationship:#

  • •User-RATED->Movie
  • •Director-DIRECTED->Movie
  • •Actor-ACTED_IN_MOVIE->Movie
  • •Movie-IN_GENRE->Genre
